Thursday, April 30, 2009

Day 7 --- April 30th

I went to work and then was very determined to not let my personal trainer down and decided to go to the gym woo hoo. Had a yucky workout and then went to tan. Now I've tanned in this bed plenty of times and never realized the number on the bed til today. My nephews birthday is April 24th and the number "424" has always been super lucky to me ever since he passed away because it makes me think of him and makes me feel close <3. 

Day 6 --- April 29th

My best friend called me at like 8 oclock and knew I was kind of in a weird spot for the day so she begged me to come out with her. We went to the mall and played around and acted like total dorks as usual. She also was successful in making me cheat from weight watchers which I'm sure I'll regret. They have this bag at charlotte russe and we've seen it together ever since Justin and I started talking and whenever we see it, we talk about buying it for me... if It just wasn't blue patent leather lol...

Day 5 --- April 28th

My Friend Josh is just fabulous!!! He came to my job because he lives like a mile away and we were just catching up and he took my car and washed it for me! Woo hoo! Yay for nice people in this world :) He left this windex in my car lol. Random, I know.

Day 4 -- April 27th

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Day 3 - April 26th

One of my sisters, Janice was down for the weekend. Today I just relaxed and hung out with My nephew, Noah and my niece, Adelyn. He loves his sister but he's a pretty big bully :) They're adorable